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Being a part of Bluewater Books & Charts means that we have access to all of the top marine vendors in the world. For over 30 years we have forged great partnerships in the marine industry to bring our customers the best products available.

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Medical & Emergency Equipment

Bluewater is striving to supply our customers with high quality safety equipment to keep you and your crew safe during emergencies. Together with our partner Medical Support OffShore (MSOS), we have sourced the highest rated brands and the most requested equipment for vessels of all sizes. If you are looking for any products you do not see listed, we can order it for you. Just contact

Medical & Safety Equipment

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Custom Hand Sewn Flags & Burgess

You may know Bluewater carries Annin nylon flags which are durable and lightweight to help you meet flag state regulations. But we also carry a premium line of hand sewn flags that have unmatched aesthetics and quality. In addition to being able to get sewn flags for any country you can also special order a custom flag with our Superyacht Specialist Toni Hemming-Barber at

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Premium Bluewater Logbooks for Superyachts

Bluewater now has a custom line of log books designed specifically for the superyacht industry. Bound in royal blue leather and engraved with gold foil make these log books stand out on any shelf. Our premium log books are also printed in A4 size, and meet all page requirements for Superyachts.

Order Premium Bluewater Logbooks Today

If your vessel is looking for something more simplified and classic we launched “The Yacht Log by Bluewater”. It was created with influence from the most popular logbooks on the market.

Order The Yacht Log Today
